Flowcytometry and Image flowcytometry
Flowcytometry is used to define cell surface markers as well as specific markers inside individual cells. Image flowcytometry combines flowcytometry with microscopy providing image analysis of many thousands of cells in a short time.
We use flow and image flow to determine typical markers to identify RBC surface protein markers like glycophorin or the presence of phosphatidylserine (PS) on the surface of the lipid bilayer.
Nucleic acid stains can be used to identify reticulocytes and hemoglobin species like hemoglobin F can be identified in permabilized cells.
Since data is collected on each cell, the blood volumes needed are very low. With a normal hematocrit, blood contains approximately 4 million cells per µl. We aim to analyze at least 10,000 events as at least 100 events are needed to statistically characterize 1% of the population
For practical reasons we aim to collect 50 µl of blood per run. Please contact us regarding the choice of assay as well as shipping requirements.