Factors involved in blood chemistry in plasma or RBC are measured using commercially available kits as well as custom developed assays.
Plasma factors that are altered in hemoglobinopathies include those that alter the state of inflammation (inflammasome) such as cell free hemoglobin, heme, cytokines and secretory phospholipase A2, as well as thrombotic factors including Fragment 1.2 , Di-Dimer and elements of the hemostatic pathways. These factors play key roles in blood pathology and normalization is the key to determine effectiveness of treatment.
Several biochemical pathways in the RBC are affected in hemoglobinopathies. Modification of hemoglobin can be defined by HPLC analysis of hemoglobin and globin. Both hemoglobin modification and alterations in glycolysis will affect RBC oxygen affinity. Modulation glycolysis pathways will alter 2,3 DPG levels and affect oxygen binding. Oxygen transport requires a complex set of enzymes, and factors to maintain a proper redox status.
The RBC lab provides assays to measure both activity and specific activity of key components. Since many assays are based on multi well plate assays we offer this for a set of batched samples rather than single samples.
Results can be provided as a combined result sheet or in spreadsheet format to facilitate comparison of different samples.
These assays requires different amounts of blood per run. Please contact us regarding the choice of assay as well as shipping requirements.
RBC glycolysis