Welcome to the RBC Lab

The RBC lab at the Univeristy of California, San Francisco (UCSF), builds on a decades long experience defining blood physiology in basic, translational and clinical studies. Our highly experienced staff partner with academia and industry in research projects and evaluate approaches aimed to improve the quality of life of patients with abnormalities in blood and blood cell physiology.

Staff members have published over 200 scientific papers under the direction of Dr. Kuypers on blood physiology to define both normal and pathologic pathways. The RBC lab is an integral part of the UCSF hematology division, provides assessment support of clinical studies in sickle cell and thalassemia and is a critical component of the ASH RC CTN network. 

What defines the RBC lab:

  • We partner with academia and industry in blood related research studies.
  • We take on projects that cannot be accomplished in the clinical lab.
  • We assist in the design of clinical trials, sample collection, shipment, data collection and assessment.
  • We  use a vast panel of assays and unique  instrumentation to define the levels of components in the complex pathways of blood physiology.
  • We develop new technologies to measure and validate assessment of blood components.
  • We support the definition of newly discovered abnormalities such as novel hemoglobin mutations.
  • We provide the use of  murine models of human disease in the development of human clinical trials.
  • We provide mentorship and training of fellows
  • We provide mentorship and lab experience for high school and college students in the UCSF summer student program