Hemoglobn F (HbF) cells

Increasing HbF cells by drug treatment is an important strategy for improving the quality of life of hemoglobinopathy patients.

The RBC lab uses flowcytometry and image flowcytometry to detect and quantify the population of reticulocytes and adult RBC that contain HbF. The presence of HbF  can be shown in thousands of cells starting with 5 µl of blood. This assessment can be combined with exposing the RBC to sickling conditions.

The figure shows the presence of HbF (labeled with anti-HbF-PE shown in yellow) in the adult RBC and reticulocyte (labeled with thiazole orange shown in green) populations.

When the RBC are incubated under low oxygen hemoglobin S will polymerize as can be shown with image flowcytometry. 

The figure shows sickle blood exposed to low oxygen and fixed in their morphology.  The majority of sickled RBC have little or no HbF (right) whereas the majority of cells that maintain their discoid morphology under low oxygen label positive for HbF (left).