The Advia 2120 Hematology Analyzer
The Advia 2120 hematology analyzer provides validated data on human and murine blood including total hemoglobin, RBC count, RBC volume, RBC hemoglobin, RBC hemoglobin concentration, Reticulocytes, Platelets, and WBC differential. The instrument applies automatic isovolumetric sphering as well as reticulocyte and WBC staining. Each event in the flow cell is interrogated with spectroscopic assessment to define cellular characteristics and results are provided in dotplots and histograms. In contrast to clinical lab equipment, the Advia 2120 provides a validated assessment of murine blood. Murine models of diseases such as sickle cell and thalassemia have been pivotal in preclinical trials for the development of drugs and gene therapy. On request we can provide focused results and provide data in either a single page report or spreadsheet form.
A typical result sheet of a human blood sample is shown. In addition to a regular CBC, volume and hemoglobin distributions are shown. Reticulocyte hemoglobin content (CHr) provides an indirect measure of the functional iron available for new RBC production. The 9 field RBC matrix provides information on the red cell density profile.
On request we can provide specific information on the subpopulations of red blood cells with different densities as shown in the histogram. This assessment is important in sickle cell blood, as hemoglobin concentration is directly related to the kinetics of sickle hemoglobin polymerization.